Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year Inspiration

In 2017 - 2018 I made some pretty significant changes & I was silent on the blog because:
  • I became a mom with an empty nest!
  • I added another career to my resume - I earned my flight attendant wings!
  • I became a vegan for health, not political, purposes.
  • I discovered Pilate's classes after a lifetime of not enjoying exercise or the gym.
  • I have traveled to so many interesting places!
In 2019
  • I am still committed & able to provide luxury on-location makeup services to clients!   Have passport & will travel...
  • Beauty & Professional Image advice will always be the main focal point of my blog!
But, I have so many new things to blog about now:
  • My travel adventures & tips!
  • Life as a flight attendant - 90% of women tell me that is/has been their dream job!
  • My successes (& failures) with vegan cooking & baking!
  • Interesting vegan restaurants I find delicious in Houston & on my travels!
  • Healthy tips for travelers & airline crew members!
I hope you will follow me as I share my life with you, here, on the blog, FacebookInstagram or  LinkedIn

Or email me at


  1. What an exciting 2018! Congrats on your new career and that’s a great idea to share the best of those experiences this year. Wishing you a happy 2019!

  2. Thanks so much! Best wishes for the New Year to you too!
